She tells me I have changed a lot
Gone are the days of the sweet nothings
Gone are the careless whispers
and the stolen kisses
She tells me that now I behave like a husband
She loved the lover that I was
The courtship days seemed eons past
The garden that was once fertile
is now but a barren land
I tell her she is wrong
I am the same and haven't changed
My love is the same
My heart is the same
It would kill me to think
that I have changed
Deep in my heart though
I somehow knowwhile the soul has been the same
the shell has changed
I wrung my soul to seek the truth
I walked through the narrow alleys of my mind
Seeking the answer in a confused brain
Find the answer I surely did
Blindsided by it was I should be said
Woven into the lazy fabric I was
Comfortable in the knowledge she was mine
The histronics never made sense to me
Now that we were together
O boy, was I ever so wrong
Giving it a thought now I knew
I forfeited the chance of letting her know
In the only one way that she had grown used to
The depth of my love
I want to tell her now how much I missed all that
how much I missed telling her I loved her
how much I missed stealing those kisses from her
I hope she knows deep in her heart
even if I don't tell her always
I am crazy for her and I would always be
There is no one else for me.
She knows. :-)