Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I remember
How I held your hands by the beach.
Held on to your every single word.
Lingering taste of our first kiss.
Phantom pain of the first love bite.
Waking up to your kisses
Warmth of your hugs
Pain when I could not be with you.
They are the memories I live by
They are the memories I would carry to my grave
They are some of the happiest moments in my life
The life where such moments were very rare

I will argue with you
I will forget anniversaries
I will forget all the small things
I will even forget to smell the roses
Many a curveballs that life will throw at me
I will take a swing at everyone of them
I might miss some

I might even have strikeouts
But I will keep on swinging
For the outside chance that
I will hit a home run
To see your eyes twinkle with joy
and the small crinkles
that form on the sides of your mouth


  1. as i wait
    by the doorstep
    for your smile
    to light up my nights

    you bring me new memories
    every day, every night
    your soul speaks to mine
    in tongues only we know.

    you give me sunshine
    wrapped in every day packets of joy
    you show me love
    in every touch, every kiss

    and as i begin to live
    a life i've only dreamt of
    i know for sure that,
    beyond our silliness and fights
    we're building memories new,
    memories that stay.
